(above photo by Lauren)
I'm really not sure what to write to introduce this post. It's about family. My family. And I love them lots.
I spent a whole week with them last week and we did the usual Blake things. We went to Lake Michigan (though I think Lake Superior is really more "Blake"), we canoed down the Pine River, and we spent some time fixing up our battered fleet of Hondas and Toyotas while keeping an eye out for new old vehicles. My youngest brother Travis ended the week by buying his first car, a 1990 something Dodge Shadow.
Some snapshots from the week. Dad won a disc golf game through a gnarly woods course. My brother Justin miraculously edged out my sister Lauren in a peanuts game. Lauren and I made great canoe partners. Travis burned his "hobo" pie and then melted a plastic knife and one of Mom's food containers. Mom and Dad shared "ghost" stories around a campfire. Travis and Justin finished editing their Drank video (I'll post a link when it goes online). And we celebrated my 23rd birthday with Mom's strawberry pie and some of the most creative gifts I've ever gotten.
It was a great week. I can't wait until the next time I get to see them all again.
For those of you technically minded (i.e. Sean) all the photos were grabbed from video shot with my Kodak Zi6, the only camera I used all week. The camera's only downfall is that it overexposes everything, back focuses like none other and the quality of the stills are worse than those from a happy snap point and shoot. I really like the simplicity of it though and it's fun being able to chose moments after the fact by grabbing frames while watching the video.

(above photo by Travis)

neil blake, this is no good. Say no to frame grabs! I disapprove.
i love the eyes through the tree-reflection window... if you ever were interested in doing a print trade, that would be my pick!
Nice post broski!
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