September 6, 2008

The Ripple Effect

Here is a snap from a few weeks ago. After a massive escalating water war involving super soakers, buckets, the hose, and crazy antics I retreated to my bedroom where I saw Lauren and her friend outside. She started spraying the window and I saw this photo.


Rachel said...

Wow. I love this photo!

Nicky said...

I was worried for a second that you actually got your lens wet. Seriously, I didn't breathe for a good half a minute.

Nicky said...

This comment will be entitled "I miss you!!!!" and "update!!!!" Also, I am no longer blonde, I have red hair now. Hah.

brett marshall said...

i'll be damned if that's not proof to always have your camera with you. i took a look back at your blog and i must say you're really doing it. seriously, some nice pictures, keep up the good work man.